Fill out the ANOIXI 2025 Registration Form below.
After filling out the form, click “Submit Registration Form”.
After clicking “Submit Registration Form” select the option underneath “Continue to Payment”. You will be redirected to the payment center. Please note your registration is NOT complete until we receive your payment.
If you would like to pay for multiple registrations in one transaction, fill out AND submit a registration form for each participant. Once you have completed the registration form for the final participant in your party select the option “Continue to Payment” and continue with “Step 4” below.
In the payment center, enter your payment amount based on the registration package you selected. If you are paying for multiple registration packages in one transaction please reflect that in the total amount inputted.
Then, under the section “To” select the option from the dropdown arrow named “Dance”.
Then, include your credit card information along with the necessary billing information.
Then, under the section “Note/Memo” (If using a desktop you will have to click the little down arrow to release the “note/memo” section) please include the following information in this order:
- ANOIXI 2025 Registration; Followed by the registrant’s name (Ex: ANOIXI 2025 Registration; John Papadopoulos).
- If you are paying for multiple registrations please include each registrant’s name (Ex: ANOIXI 2025; John Papadopoulos, Andrew Papadopoulos, etc.)Finally, click “Give.” Once your payment is received and your registration package is confirmed you will receive an email from confirming your registration.